Almost all of us have encountered unpleasant feelings in our lives, including anxiety, where we get that somewhat heavy feeling where you can hardly take a deep breath. Uhh, even though it’s annoying, don’t worry, there is a way you can help yourself.
When we talk about anxiety, it is often the fear of what will happen in the future, and this fear is the result of trauma from the past. The mind and body remember what happened, that is, as if they were stuck on the negative side of that particular situation. Which, after all, is also human.
If you have never heard of EFT or tapping, it is a method by which we stimulate acupressure points on the body that send signals to the brain, thus opening up to a change in perception and the way we look at situations.
We realize that limiting beliefs are just that – limitations we’ve come to believe!

Acupressure points are located on the top of the head, the beginning of the eyebrows (on both sides of the body), on the side of the eye, under the eye, under the collarbone, under the chest (this point is only on the right side of the body), the wrist, the ends of the cheekbones on the fingers and the point on the side of the hand, i.e. under the little finger.
Given that anxiety is often located in the chest and makes it difficult for us to breathe, it is enough to start by stimulating those points and saying nothing.
We are often overwhelmed by excessive emotions, and in order to be gentle with ourselves, it is enough just to deepen our breath slowly, through the method. The next step would be to verbalize what we feel, where and how. It is enough to say as much as we know what we feel at the moment.
Maybe we will just repeat: “I’m breathing hard.”, “I feel tightness in my chest.”, “I feel tightness in my chest.” I can’t breathe and it happens to me every time I go to work…” etc. Be specific, clear and just repeat what you feel.

EFT is a great method because it supports us to express everything that is difficult and negative for us without fear that we will (continue to) manifest something like that. Quite the opposite actually. It allows the energies in us to transform, and our perception of the event itself changes.
When we feel that we are ready, and the state will show us this, we can slowly move on to affirmations.
Through this method, we open up more deeply, or more precisely, connect with ourselves. You’ll see best when you try this yourself or send it to someone you know has trouble with it.
See how it works in the video:
Photos by: Unsplash