Write yourself a love letter. Approach this practice with openness, curiosity and compassion.
Želim ti da se naučiš njegovati.
Onako puniti iznutra.
Hraniti svoju dušu, grliti svoje srce.
Želim ti da naučiš ljubiti najmekanijim poljupcima,
nošenim vjetrom tvog postojanja i orošenim jutarnjim buđenjima.
Želim ti da se uistinu zavoliš.
Onako do dna.
Do najtanje niti i najsitnije pore.
Da zavoliš sve svoje uspone i padove,
sve stranice i scenarije.
Da shvatiš da su sve stranputice dio puta
kojim si putovala do trenutka i mjesta na kojem si sad.
Želim ti da odsad biraš sebe; ranjivu i surovu,
divlju i nježnu,
I want you to learn to take care of yourself.
Fill it like that from the inside.
Feed your soul, hug your heart.
I want you to learn to kiss with the softest kisses,
carried by the wind of your existence and dewy morning awakenings.
I want you to really love yourself.
That way to the bottom.
To the thinnest thread and smallest pore.
To love all your ups and downs,
all pages and scenarios.
To understand that all detours are part of the journey
which you traveled to the moment and place where you are now.
I want you to choose yourself from now on; vulnerable and cruel,
wild and gentle,
loving and soft,
romantic and brave,
timid and strong.
To accept yourself,
to support yourself
to make yourself famous.
And I wish you always,
but you always choose love.
And primarily the one towards yourself.
This is an example of a love letter to SELF and is one of the practices for cultivating inner love. It can be a little strange at first, but over time it can become very healing, and it’s really worth exploring and trying.
Writing is otherwise a very powerful tool for exploring our inner world because we come to insights that are hidden deeper in our subconscious and which are often not so easily accessible to us while we are thinking or talking, i.e. they easily miss our conscious radar.
The goal of this practice is to get to know one’s depths and breadths, but also to build a safer and more positive relationship with oneself, and to become aware of the negative inner monologue and frequent limiting beliefs about how we are not enough…whatever.
When writing a love letter to ourselves, it is important to approach the process with openness, curiosity and compassion. You can write about your wishes, achievements, the path you’ve taken, where you are now or where you want to be.
It is essential to focus on your personal growth, the moments you are proud of, the lessons you have successfully learned, but also the little things you do every day that you may rarely notice.
Be kind and gentle to yourself, but feel free to praise yourself from the bottom of your heart, say to yourself the nice things you might want someone to say to you, and really immerse yourself in the role and the love that you can give yourself that way. The initial discomfort will with practice and time transform into your safe and beautiful place called inner love.
This practice can be used when we feel great, because then we truly have something to write, but also when we don’t feel very well, because then we really need it.
You can think of it as a moment when you want to tell someone you love everything you love about him/her, or a moment where you want to cheer someone up and remind him/her of his/her worth and what he/she can do. Only this time that someone is YOU.
Practice is truly a powerful tool for personal growth and development of self-awareness, and the very concept of writing a love letter to ourselves encourages us to realize what we can do and what we are, to accept ourselves, to love ourselves, and therefore to feel really good about ourselves .
The advantages and benefits of writing a love letter to yourself are:
- improves our relationship with us
- develops greater self-acceptance and compassion
- it helps to strengthen encouraging beliefs about oneself and develop feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence
- it increases our awareness of ourselves and helps us better understand our own thoughts, feelings and behaviours
- reduces the influence of negative inner monologue and limiting beliefs
- promotes a more positive self-image
If these realizations make you want to write and ignite a spark that you would like to explore, then your task is to write a love letter, TO YOURSELF. You can do it right away, but you can also reserve time for this practice, make a small ritual, light candles, pleasant music, serve yourself your favorite drink and really commit to yourself.
Whatever you choose is fine. Always choose what suits you and what nourishes you, and I wish you to always find the LOVE that you are in the background.