Angel Transformation is actually Angel Healing, but the name Angel Healing itself is actually a trademarked name. Whether we call it one or the other, healing actually describes what we really do, which is connecting angels and a person who needs healing of emotions, body, healing of a situation, expansion of consciousness, etc.
There is no limit to what we can do with it. Angels show the person in colors, where there are blockages, where the energy does not flow, why it is so, which situation would be good to connect with them and invite them to purify what is necessary. They never cross our borders, they always ask about everything and guide us through the entire treatment.
How my story began
As a child I was really open, intuitive and would see wonderful lights “walking” around me, hear gentle whispers and often play with these beings. It may sound unbelievable, crazy or scary, but I felt completely protected until I hit puberty where my relationship with the Wonderful Beings remained strong, but completely different.
Back then, already in elementary school, I was hiding in libraries, looking for knowledge about different areas of religion, spirituality and psychology, preparing for the fact that when I grow up I will be some kind of therapist.
But then I closed myself off…
During that period, my word was slippery and reached people who, of course, did not understand what I was doing, what I was reading, and they took the liberty of treating me like that through ridicule. I hid for years, kept my secrets to myself, but the passion for knowledge was immense. I knew that there was something invisible and I knew that each of us carries Magic within us. When the movie “The Secret” came out, I got a new wind behind me, the terminology I was missing and I realized that the Magic in us is actually the possibility of manifestation.
One day…
…the Archangel Raphael approached me. I knew Angels very well and it never occurred to me to connect them in my work. Until then, I had been using the EFT method for about 10 years and in the meantime completed the training for a practitioner.
But one day Rafael came to me in a vision, so vividly, and said “do you want to do Angel Healing?” I just agreed, quite confused by the question. But I believed them. As I grew in my EFT business, I received instructions from the angels that it was time to create a meditation program without tapping, and that’s where “my” method was born – Angel Transformation, which is also Angelic healing.
How to communicate with angels?
Angels are beings of light who protect us, guide us through life and help us. They are there to encourage us, to be a support, but also to encourage us to step outside the comfort zone. However, sometimes we need a little help.
How to request it?
What angels like is clarity, intention and determination. Which means that we must first communicate with ourselves what we really want. The second step is to verbalize our intention and make a decision that we will act accordingly. The third, of course, is to tell all this to our angels. If we have problems with focus, it helps to put your hand on your heart while saying all this.
We can go one step further, and that is to ask for help to heal a specific fear that is holding us back. Because when we believe, we are most open.
Know that the angels will always answer you, but in a way that is comfortable, warm and will not cross your boundaries. Maybe they will answer you through a change of energy from fear to love, synchronized numbers, a song on the radio, you will smell a certain scent that only you can smell, maybe you will find many feathers at once, and maybe you will really quiet your mind and hear a message from them.
You know, angels can help when you don’t force anything, that is, the more relaxed we are, the more energy can reach you. It is equally important to be open to feel how and through which way your personal message will come.
All my knowledge, education, difficult situations that I went through alone + the ability to see, hear and feel them, we translated into joint work so that they could work concretely and comprehensively on each treatment, be it group or one-on-one.
Moreover, while doing EFT&Matrix (a method known as tapping), it often happens that angels come to help us.
All in all, I feel deeply lucky to have this ability to help people.