Domagoj Biber/ Studio EquiLibra Sound Therapy - he shows his interest in sound and rhythm from an early age, but concrete work begins only after life situations have shown him that sound and rhythm are a big part of finding peace and understanding of himself and the world that surrounds him. surrounds. He began his education in the world of sound in the sphere of music production, which opened up new perspectives and possibilities for him. Using frequencies, vibrations and rhythm in everyday life, he began to help himself, and after that he decided to try to help others as well. With new knowledge, he enrolled and graduated from the "Peter Hess" school, a method of sound massage using Tibetan bowls and gongs. In parallel, he attends training in West African and Jamaican drumming, and deepens his knowledge and connection with rhythm at the "Sacred Drumming" training under the "College of Sound Healing" program from Great Britain. Through that education, he learned how to use the drum for therapeutic purposes, and it became an important factor in his work. Domagoj believes that rhythm and sound are universal tools that improve the quality of our lives on all levels when we reconnect with them and use them consciously.
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