Hi, I’m Sandra.
Agronomist by profession, master’s degree in plant medicine engineering. I completed the phytotherapy program and the program for the producer and processor of medicinal and aromatic plants.
I produce natural cosmetics, I am a big fan of essential oils, wild and medicinal herbs, and more natural ways of skin care, treatment, nutrition, and protection and growing of fruits and vegetables.
As an agronomist, my knowledge of plant species, systematization of the plant world, botany, phytopathology, and entomology helped me to step into this wonderful world more easily.
For me, natural and simple skin and body care has become a way of thinking and living. But at one point, I felt fatigue, insecurity and resistance. I wondered why. I retreated a little, moved away and gave myself space.
In the deafening noise of what is expected, what I have to do, how I have to and in what way I have to be successful, I started to get lost. By the way, I don’t like the term “having to do something” and I try to avoid it in my everyday life. And I realized that I moved away from that initial feeling of which path I wanted to walk.
One day it just dawned on me. I want less complicated, less strained, less burdensome, I just want less.
I want simpler.
This is how the term “simplify” was born.
Through posts and various materials, I try to clarify the concept of simplicity, and what it means to me. In everyday life, but primarily in skin care. A holistic approach in every aspect of life and work is important to me. I believe that we cannot separate the body from the mind and vice versa. We are not just our skin or any organ. We are a whole. This is how I try to approach skin care. From the inside out. Minimalist, but complete. Practical but effective.
I create the products of my Rock kištrica bilja brand according to the principle of simplicity, as much as possible. I choose as natural ingredients as possible, guided by the idea that we don’t always need all the strength of the components to get a quality product that works. I prefer to study the ingredients, which in my products are mostly vegetable oils and butters. Mostly cold-pressed, because certain active substances are still lost during the refining process. They may work slower than synthetic active ingredients, but my goal is to produce a product that will be used as part of the ritual of a healthy approach to the care of us as a whole, and not just the care of our skin.
My products are made by hand with selected ingredients such as cold-pressed rosehip, almond, argan, jojoba, coconut, shea and cocoa butters. I make balms with beeswax, so they’re the only ones that aren’t vegan. I really like beeswax, its benefits and smell. And the most important thing is that in the process of obtaining the raw material, the bees are not endangered at any step.
I also produce waxes for melting, well-known melts made from pure unprocessed wax of our bees from Gorski Kotro. We always leave them enough to build on, so I like to think that we live in a coexistence that implies respect and appreciation.
I build the production of cosmetic products on the same basis. I am guided by simplicity and sustainability. I recently changed all the packaging to a more acceptable one. So plastic was replaced, wherever I could, given availability. But I’m still looking for an alternative. In most cases, I also avoid secondary packaging, in order to produce as little waste as possible.
The range of products includes three basic steps in care: cleaning, hydration and nutrition. This is made possible by three facial products: facial cleansing foam, moisturizing serum and nourishing cream.
Of course, there is also body care oil, which gives us the necessary moisture and nourishes our skin.
Also, a very important segment of skin nutrition are balms, lip balm and universal balm with evening primrose oil for the whole family.
I recently launched a natural deo balm, without baking soda, for sensitive underarm skin.
Further education and familiarization with the available raw materials, as well as the creation of new formulations, are planned.
I emphasize the slow approach to care or “slow beauty” which works in the long run through a comprehensive approach to every aspect of life. From the inside out.
This is how products with selected formulations are created in the service of us and our well-being. I don’t care much for trends, although I listen to them. I educate myself regularly and constantly. Because work is also my way of life. I am guided by an inner voice and a sense of the value of respecting my body, mind and spirit.
Sandra Rok
WEB: rockkistrica.hr
INSTAGRAM: @rockkistricabilja
FACEBOOK: rockkistricabilja