My name is Eman Ahel and I am the founder of īmāno studio, which deals with hand-crafting custom-made decorative objects for the home. The idea came at an unexpected time and quite spontaneously. Like many ideas, it came in the form of a solution out of some kind of need or lack. In my case, it was to find decorative items that would fully match my vision of decorating my new home.
At first, the editing didn’t seem so difficult until my professional deformation was included in the whole story. Namely, I am a graphic designer by profession and have a master’s degree in design management. As such, it was difficult for me to compromise on anything that did not fully correspond to the aesthetic I envisioned, so every smallest detail played an important role for me. I fantasized about how great it would be if I could buy a vase that I like, but if I could personalize it so that it was the same shade of the walls in the room, or if the coasters that fit my shape were exactly the same color as the cushions on the couch, etc. That’s when I decided that instead of fantasizing, I would start making by myself what I wanted and how I wanted.
Initially, the īmāno studio started as a space for creation and personal creative development, and hence the name of the studio: a transliteration of my name – Eman (īmān). Later, the idea appeared to offer this possibility to others and thus īmāno studio became a brand that involves the customer in the creative process of making their product with the help of a palette of patterns and colors from the īmāno offer. I believe that one īmāno product can satisfy the taste of a lover of minimalism on the one hand, and a lover of vibrant colors and patterns on the other – depending on the customer and the chosen design. Our products include coasters, trays, vases, holders for candles and books, and various other decorative and functional items for decorating the space. What I learned is that everything doesn’t have to be ready and perfect to start something new. All the charm of the upcoming steps is in the development and learning itself, and you shouldn’t be afraid of that – you have to learn to enjoy it.